Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Big Picture

Every Adult has been a teenager at one time and most have forgotten all of the challenges that went along with it.  Where is the balance with trying to establish some independence, and still being confined by so many restrictions from parents, school and the law?
From a scientific perspective the Brain is the key to figuring out the balance between Adulthood and pre-adulthood. It’s been proven that the brain continues to change until a person is in their early 20’s. The last part to develop is the area that helps with reasoning, decision making, and emotions. The immaturity of the brain can give reason for the extra restriction placed on teens.  This is also the time that the teen brain is so vulnerable and can have affect on them for the rest of their life, depending on the decisions that are made. Therefore as a parent there is every reason to worry and set boundaries for teenagers, but as important as the neurology of the teen brain is, in my opinion we have to remember there is more to keeping the balance in the life of a teen. We have to look at factors such as self awareness, self esteem, current and past relationships, economic situation, hormonal imbalances, life altering changes, and the up-bringing in the earlier years of life.

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