Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Learning is so important every single day of your entire life. The brain does best when you are learning new stuff all of the time. During a teenagers life there are many changes, stresses and emotions that is is tough to focus and take in all of the good knowledge being provided by school. It's also important to remember that everyone learns differently, just because some one isn't getting good grades doesn't mean that they have any less capability of learning, just perhaps they learn a different way. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein for example weren't very good in school at all, but they were brilliant nonetheless.

So as parents lets remember to realize that it is important to get a wide base of general knowledge and earn a diploma but at the same time we need to help our kids find area that they are good at and have interest in. Successful can mean that a person does well in school, gets good grades and goes on to use their education in the future and that is wonderful for those that are meant to do that. But, there are so many other areas of success and we can't make our children/young adults feel like they are failures just because they don't get good grades. We have to encourage our kids to seek out those passions and use their creativity, it is so important to know how to think outside the box and utilize different perspectives to solve problems in real life. It is so important to promote individual self growth to reach their maximum potential rather than stuffing them all in a big general box that stifles their talents.

Teenagers and young adults need to understand the importance that society as put on achieving an education and earning a diploma. As hard as it is sometimes to get up early, to spend a good amount of time studying and push yourself to achieve difficult goals, it is important to get the most out of school as possible. For one, society puts a lot of stock in having a diploma and its difficult to manage the rest of life without it for that reason alone. Secondly, a stable base of knowledge can be beneficial in achieving your true passion, the more you know the more options you'll have.  It's like a pyramid is stable and supports the entire structure all the way to the top because it has a nice spread out base, its not very sturdy to only have one leg to stand on.